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Great Getaways are Essential to Good Health

ELA in Middle School – Ain’t No Cure for the Summertime Blues

So, I generally prefer The Beach Boys version, but with Covid on a comeback, all the versions of the song work. Now that the States that rushed to reopen are slamming the gates shut again, we are even more uncertain of what the next school year will look like…but that’s enough about quarantine life!

As you know, Suzanne’s family has suffered a lot of loss this spring, with both of her parents passing in April and May. And as we are still in Tennessee, I decided she needed a bit of a get-away this last week. So, we went to Chattanooga, TN for a couple of days in the mid-week! Now, for those who don’t know, Chattanooga is the fourth largest city in Tennessee, but, as much as I love Nashville, I have to say that the Choo-Choo is the cleanest and prettiest in the State! It was also the most deserted major city I have ever seen. Oh, there were people around, some on bikes, some pedestrians, and some driving, but by and far, the streets were empty. A good thing as far as social distancing goes, but based on what we’ve been seeing in the Nashville area, still surprising!

If you have the opportunity to visit Chattanooga, DO IT! History buffs will love the historic aspects of the area, naturalists will love the surrounding mountains and the river valley (the city parks mirror these surroundings beautifully), and those who have an adventurous side that doesn’t include claustrophobia will be in awe of Ruby Falls! Now, this trip we did none of these things. We stayed at the historic Read House, first built in 1857 and used by both the Union and Confederate General Staffs as headquarters during the Battles for Chattanooga. After a recently completed $25+ million dollar renovation, the opulence is stunning! And then dinner one night in The Bridgeman…O…M…G. We may have found our gastric nirvana.

In all fairness, Suzanne and I did not do any of the sights on this trip. With the stresses that we've had, and the fact that we were splurging as it was, we didn't feel the need to leave the suite, other than for meals. Two full days of relaxation and naps - well worth it for the mental health refresh! Next time we go, though, it will be the Holiday Inn and Waffle House! 

We would love to hear of your favorite get away place! Let us know!


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